Do you know what kind of gambler you are?
Take the test and find out.
Help and contact
You’re not alone. Asking for help and contacting someone is a brave thing to do. This process enables you to talk to professionals and receive advice.
Free and anonymous helpline, 24 hours a day : 0800 040 080
A place for information and support, this helpline answers your questions as well as those of your loved ones.
Help center: Addiction Valais
Help center : Centre du jeu excessif (CJE)
The Centre for Excessive Gambling (CJE) welcomes anyone affected by excessive gambling behaviours. It is a university centre specializing in gambling addiction, affiliated with the Addiction Medicine Service of the Department of Psychiatry at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV).
Debts: Caritas Valais
The “Application for voluntary gambling suspension” form can be completed by anyone, but it requires the signature of the person concerned. Link to Application form (in french).
Family and friends can give the identity of a vulnerable relative to a casino. The casino is obligated to investigate.
English websites
To find out more about gambling:
Information portal for the promotion of media skills, Youth and Media :
Test yourself
The self-assessment quiz provides an initial indication of a potential gambling problem. To start, choose your avatar and begin the test! At the end of the test, you will know if gambling represents a risk for you.